Class Reflections

Discussion Points: Screencast examples, class discussion on articles read in regards to information literacy, information fluency and transliteracy, lecture on synthesis, emotional reactions to research, constructivism, metaliteracy, digital natives/digital immigrants.

Today’s class was very interesting.  It was exciting to hear all about the various articles classmates read and I made a note to visit all the class blogs to at least get the citations for the articles to be read at a later date (summer?).  There were a lot of great ideas and terms that I know I have not been exposed to enough, if at all, before todays class that would benefit my future career goals to learn more about.

The one thing about a class like today – one that brings up so many different opinions, thoughts, examples and points of library things – is that it gives me a taste of exactly what is out there for me to pay attention to and begin searching / learning / discussing more about these issues.

Quotes from class that I found exciting/interesting/enticing (attributed to class discussion, I have no idea who exactly said what):                                                                 “redefining peer review”                                                                                                                         “information literacy plus reading skills, plus tech skills, plus evaluation”                    “success requires buy in”                                                                                                                 “we are more confident then we are skilled in on-line searching”                                          “where is the line between education and advocacy”                                                             “looking for and finding information is only a part of the puzzle”

These quotes speak to some of the most new ideas for me and the ideas on which I want to learn more about.  I still do not know enough to decide whether or not I agree with everything or how to voice my argument for those I do not – but I am excited to learn and formulate my thoughts (synthesis, anyone?).

The discussion about intellectual freedom was very interesting to me.  I am not sure yet what kind of librarian I am (one that is willing to stand up for issues as publicly as some of the examples in class were) but I know that I had a little spark in me any and every time I hear about a library or librarians standing up for the rights of their patrons – and ultimately all patrons.  This part of class did make me even more excited to be working with the Office for Intellectual Freedom for Alternative Spring Break.  I think it will really be an eye-opening experience and one that will help me decide which librarian I am.

One note I do want to make – more for myself than anything else – is that it’s okay to still be learning about these issues and to still not know about things.  Coming into the profession very recently means I am just starting to form a base of knowledge of skills, history and concepts of librarianism and that it’s not a bad thing to miss an event – or a discussion – as long as I am committed to keeping note of what I do need to learn for myself and so I can be a productive member of the profession.  I’m okay with this.  This class made me even more excited about all there is to learn!

5 responses to “Class Reflections

  1. Wow – what a great ASB placement!

    Regarding your last paragraph, keep in mind that even those of us who have been doing this for some time have questions and things to learn. That’s part of the fun of librarianship. 🙂

  2. Thanks Kristin! I enjoy always having something to ponder which makes this such a good fit. Just a reminder to myself that sometimes you can only think about so many things at once (which might be a correlation to SI500 but that is for another day).

  3. As per your last paragraph – you’re not alone 🙂 I feel like I don’t know anything either and I’m simultaneously elated and terrified at the mountain of things I need to learn and get a decent handle on. We’ll just both have to remember, next time we feel like we don’t know anything and everyone else in the room knows way more, there’s more of us out there than we thought.

  4. I agree that this class was exciting! (I mean, didn’t you realize that Panda’s have babies?!) I thought that the discussions on librarians as advocates was really interesting to me because of how many libraries are entities under the public scope. Without a lobbying voice, policies are made that directly effect public institutions without an appropriate level of push-back. I can understand not wanting to be an activist, though! You really need to pick your battles, and libraries aren’t battlegrounds, after all!

  5. Terence O'Neill

    Rebecca, thanks for the favorite quotes! Very evocative of the key issues that we ran up against in the class–so many of the fundamental challenges to libraries are indicated by what you’ve pulled out.

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